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WordPress Child Theme Devlopment


What is a Child Theme? Child Themes are those themes which inherit and override the styles and templates of their parent themes. Child theme is used to extend and customise the parent theme without making any changes to the parent theme.


At Webnow, we are a WordPress Theme Builder and WordPress Theme Design company, which offers complete WordPress Design and Development services that are created with thorough research and development. You can hire professional WordPress theme designers from Webnow that will build a completely responsive WordPress website design that will help you in creating a great brand name for your business.


A WordPress website is perfect for businesses that want total control of their online presence as well as the independence in running them. Case in point is a WP Child Theme site. It helps you build from something that already exists, instead of having to start from scratch. You can take advantage of the functionality of parent themes and sophisticated frameworks, plus a Webnow Child Theme contains image folders, JavaScript, CSS, template files and much more.